Monday, June 17, 2013

Newport Marathon

Well, after 4 months of following a training plan I didn't actually like, I messed it up in the last 3 miles.

I had paced and run solidly for 22 miles and had time to SPARE I fell apart mentally.

Totally lost my focus.

Amy's husband Vaughn was awesome through the whole race.  He hand delivered gummy life savers whenever I wanted them.  He filled up my water belt when I asked/threw it at him.  He took photos...he even tried to find topics of conversation to distract me in those last few miles.

He was great.

I kind of feel bad for wasting all that awesomeness by not being able to regain the focus I needed to get my Boston Qualifying time.

I DID manage to squeak out a new P.R. though and it was definitely because he helped so much during the race.


I was 18th in my age division (30-34 Female)

Last year I finished in 3:44:05 (20th in the 30-34 female division)

So it's not a HUGE P.R, but it's still a PR:)

When I was telling a friend how disappointed I was that I ruined it for myself she said "So, you ran better than you ever have before, but not as well as you wanted...right?"

Well, when you put it that way, I sound like a giant baby/snob...:)

Me, Amy and Heather at the finish sportin' our brand new medals!

The whole crew at the start line!
I'm the one in the bright green shirt...frowning.  Good thing Amy is waving!

At the hotel waiting for the shuttle.

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