Thursday, December 26, 2013

It's almost that time!

I have to say, 2013 has gone by really fast!

It seems like just last week I was starting my marathon training for Newport and now I'm getting ready to start my marathon training for...the Boston Marathon!

I still can't believe I made my goal/dream and qualified for it.  I tried for so long that it seems unreal.

My friend Andy who is a Marathon Maniac asked me how many races I ran this year.  This was because I kind of went overboard after the Tunnel Lite Marathon and raced almost EVERY weekend.

Fun, but not the smartest:)

The total by the way will be 22 races come December 28th.

Half of those were since September 21st.

But I had such a fun time running with my friends. Marathon training can get a little lonely.

Right now I'm trying to come up with a list of "must do" races for 2014 and what my goals will be so I can make a plan on how to reach them.

I've been flirting with the idea of running a 50K in 2014. But the amazing race I had at Tunnel Lite makes me want to get my marathon PR even lower.  I really think I have even faster races in me!

What to do...what to do.

making running goals is so much fun for me:)

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