I'm not a big fan of self-help books. Mostly because I think most of them say what you already know, but in a way that makes you think it's new.
But if it works, why not?
I had heard good things about The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra and thought I'd give it a read.
It's a small book in both size and length (it's only 111 pages), so I blew through it quickly. I like to read about a chapters worth at night before going to bed. It helps relax me for sleep. (Unless it's a good fiction book, and then I don't go to sleep until 3am when I finish the book.)
Each chapter covers one of the laws.
The Law of Pure Potential
The Law of Giving
The Law of "Karma" or Cause and Effect
The Law of Least Effort
The Law of Intention and Desire
The Law of Detachment
The Law of "Dharma" or Purpose in Life
I'll be honest, I didn't really like the "new age" writing style, but given the title of the book it's not like it wasn't expected.
I liked chapters 2, 5 & 6 the best.
"Every relationship is one of give and take. Giving engenders receiving, and receiving engenders giving" (pg 29)
It reminds us that everything is connected, and if we try and keep everything for ourselves we cancel that flow creating an absence. I like the idea that by giving we're making the world a better place that we can all enjoy. I think it's becoming more prevalent to think that if you're "giving" something then you will be going without and missing out on something. We have to remember that putting what we want out in the world makes it better for us as well.
Intention and Desire are two different things. I think we forget that sometimes. Just because we "intend" to do something, it doesn't mean that we get to enjoy the outcome if we didn't complete the action or plan. There are no brownie points for just planning on doing something.
To begin changing you have to desire the change first. No one can change you if you don't want it too. Sure there might be some short term changes, but lasting change has to come from within.
Detachment is harder. by nature humans want to attach or build relationships with things and people. We still can and should, but the idea is to not get so focused on that you crush the result.
In running I need to have focus and drive to work at and reach my goals, but there is a balance. Sometimes you can focus SO MUCH you destroy what you're working towards. Either you start hating running, or you put so much pressure on yourself that you stop enjoying the benefits (health, strength, speed,) that you just star to fall apart.
Pressure makes diamonds, but sometimes all you get is a bunch of gravel.
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