Friday, September 14, 2012

How I went from "next year" to "this weekend"

Two weeks ago I ran in Over the Narrows 10 mile race. (Very affordable, and fun)

While I was waiting for the start gun I saw another one of my friends and ran over to say "hi".  While we were talking she mentioned she was getting ready for a half first I thought she was talking about Race for a Soldier but no...She was talking about the JBLM Half Marathon and mentioned the registration for this race was really cheap.

Say, wha?  You had me at "Cheap".

Seriously whoever said running wasn't expensive clearly hasn't registered for many races.

Anyway, when I got home I looked the race up and found out that not only is it cheap, but it's on a SATURDAY!

This is only important because in my efforts to not run all by myself, my friend Amy doesn't run on Sundays...because she's so much cooler than I am.  No seriously she totally is.

So I sent her a link letting her know that I thought we should put this race on our year.

And she who swears she "hates" long runs, said..."Let's do it THIS year! It'll be fun."

So Heather, Amy and I are waking up earlier than strictly necessary to run in a half marathon that we didn't even know about three weeks ago.

Even better?  Due to the complete lack of competition in last years results I might even place decently!
Which is good, because they don't give finisher medals so if I want my race bling I'll need to earn it.

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