Friday, November 30, 2012

Food Swap!

I like to swap.
When I was a kid and still went Trick or Treating I thought the best part was after we were all finished and had dumpes our candy onto floor and trading began!
I also love swapping soup woth my friends.
And soon I will be swapping cookies with those same friends!
I will also be swapping canned goods at the up coming Oly Food Swap...
But this is even better because it comes in the mail like a present:)
The Lean Green Bean matched me with another Swapper named Rachael and it was like she knew what I liked!
I recieved a lovely package filled with goodies and even managed to remember to take a photo before breaking out those delicious looking Salted Carmel Popcorn:)
I also loved that she included Marathon Trail mix because she saw that I run a lot:)
Some Carrot and Spinach Pasta, specialty mustard with some dark chocolate to round everything out!

Thank you Rachael!

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