Sunday, January 06, 2013

White Elephant Run!

It's my third year running this event and I just love it!

First's 5 bucks.
You just can't beat that:)

Second it's local and benfits a great running club called the Barron Park Striders. They have a kids chapter and dseeing kids running makes me happy.

Thirdly, a ton of my friends run it with me!

Fourth, if you bring a small 5 dollar wrapped gift you can choose one when you cross the finish line. How fun is that?!

This year was a bit cold but loads of fun. I made the goal to run with one of my friends Lisa and even though I started letting the math get in the way " if I pass this person/group I'll be higher in the results" She helped me remember that I was doing this for fun and it's not fun to ditch your friend, run really hard for a race you didn't intead to "race" and end up running alone and finishing in the middle of the pack.

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