Monday, July 22, 2013

Ragnar 2013!

At the last minute I was able to join a ragnar team this year!

Nah, just a normal 12 person team- no Ultra team for me until after September 15th!

My team name was Kitten Mittins of It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia fame.

Of the four Relays I've participated in I've only known anyone on the team once.

That's actually how I met Running Buddy Amy.  Someone on her team got pregnant and dropped out. You have register almost a year in advance so drop outs are pretty common.

April another running friend (who I didn't really know before this race either) over heard me talking about finishing the Salt Lake City Marathon and asked if I wanted to join their team.

Amy's back and April getting ready to run her second leg! (This is also the leg, where we totally left her hanging at the next exchange because we were talking and hanging out in the van and she ran super fast.)

Um? YES!

I got to run Hood to Coast, because a team lost a member to pregnancy. (She didn't die, she was just preggers)  Sign me up! I'm not pregnant!  I heard about this team from another runner friend so, just in case they turned out to be weird I brought a book:)  They weren't though, they are totally cool people!

They all met while in the Peace Corps in Belize and plan a trip to see each other every year.  This year they decided to do Hood to Coast!

When Amy and planned the Ultra last year, it was going to be Amy, Me, April, their friend Bethany, and Amy's friend Jenna and Bobbie Lou. Then April got injured:(  It turns out to be super hard to talk people into running an Ultra with you?  I posted on that I had a team that was looking for a woman runner for an Ultra Ragnar.  Less than 24 hours later Larissa replied "YES"!  Then we lost Bethany...Ouch!  She wasn't hurt, she just wanted to go to Disney Land.


Ragnar IS Disney Land...for runners anyway.

Larissa brought in Awesome Sauce Shelly and we were in business!

Back row: Larissa, Shelly, Amy, Bobbie Lou
Front row: Me, Jenna

Larissa is a distributor for and got us sponsored! See how speedy, yet stylish we look with our Run Buns and awesome compression socks?

I don't have a team photo yet for Team Kittin Mittins because I didn't bring my camera and now have to wait for the one guy in the van to post them:(  Bad planning on my part.

Enjoy this photo that narrowly missed showing the contents of my nose.  I seriously SUCK at selfies.

Two medals!  One for showing up and one from the Charity that other people raised money for!

1 comment:

Amy @ Run Mom Run said...

I'm still jealous I didn't get to run it this year. You're welcome for finding you such an awesome team.