Sunday, December 29, 2013


It's the end of December and it's confession time.

I totally make New Years Resolutions.

That's not to say that I'm very good at keeping them, but I do love making that list.

I like lists.

I really like crossing things off lists too.

That's kind how I started running.  When I was 14ish I made a list of things I wanted to do before I died and I decided to add "running a 5k, 10k, 1/2 marathon, marathon". I don't really know why I wrote down running.  It's not like I was running more than once around my neighborhood (approx. a mile), but there you go.  Dream Big:)

I've already started making my list of races I want to run in 2014 and I think I'm going to have to rein it in a bit.  There are a lot of really awesome races out there!

In making my New Years Resolutions I'm trying to make sure my goals will help move my life in the direction I want to travel.  I've already made one list and decided that it's full of to much minutiae that won't really help me in being a better person and move forward.

When I'm making goals and resolutions I try and make sure I hit the major section headings



Personal Growth



That way I can make sure the individual goals I'm working on bring me closer to my major goals.
So far it's a work in progress.

1 comment:

Catherine said...

This post makes me want to make resolutions. I don't know when I last did (or last kept one). Hmm. Maybe I should change that.