Saturday, January 04, 2014

Marathon Training Week #1 DONE!

Thursday was so much fun. I ran fast and easy...the kind of runs you remember when things get hard.

Running is the best.  When it goes well, it makes me feel like I can fly!

Sure, my "flying" might be slower than other runners "flying" but that doesn't make it any less true for me.

But today...wasn't a flying day.

I think I might have gone a little over board on my efforts this week, what with that CrossFit workout on Monday. (I think I finally stopped feeling it every time I had to stand up, by friday, so of course I went back and did another workout).

Wednesday was another great run, where everything just clicked so I might have run faster than I should have.  I have no idea, since I forgot my Garmin for the Polar Plunge:)  Story of my life.

Thursday was amazingly fun as well.

This morning my alarm went off at 6:30 am, and I asked myself for not the first time..."why do you do this?" I am NOT a morning person.  But since I was the one who arranged the run, I couldn't very well do a no show.  Plus as week 1 of 16, skipping doesn't set a good precedent. Regardless of my pace goals for Boston, I still have to respect those 26.2 miles and do the work.

Mile 2.6 my stomach was hurting, and my legs felt like lead.  It took forever to warm up!

Amy and Randy were up in front already.  At one point I looked at my Garmin and saw we were going 7:40.

I slowed down.  I've done longer, faster, but not this morning:)

Drew stayed with me.  I'd like to think he wanted to run the pace I was going, but the truth is he's faster than all of us.  You can never tell though, he's just that easy going that he makes you think that what you're doing is perfect for him too.

I did 8 miles with them, and then another 5 at a local race (White Elephant 5 Miler)

Don't get me wrong I had a great time running with my friends.  It's been forever since we all got together and ran.  The only thing that could have made it better would have been if Heather could have joined us, but she's still on nights. We're all excited for her to switch to days at the end of the month.

By the end of the run, I'll admit that I got a little gaggy when we stopped at the last light.  But everyone knows it's not fun unless you feel like puking;) (SO NOT TRUE!)

1 comment:

Amy @ Run Mom Run said...

It was so fun to get the all star cast together again. We do need Heather to come out again. I hope we all get to run together again next week! It was a blast!